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    14 Maret 2015

    Dragon nest Labyrinth

    Hi gan , saya akan share game android , yang bernama Dragon nest : labyrinth , kalian pasti pernah memainkan dragon nest , kalau tidak dari gemscool ya dari dragon nest nexon , mungkin kalian sudah menunggu ini , kebetulan saya akan share game ini , mari kita simak info dari game ini ,

    Dragon nest labyrinth

    English description :

    Join the adventure to unveil the Dragon Nest!
    The fury of Dragon Nest: Labyrinth is now available on your mobile device!

    [Detailed Description]
    An ancient dragon’s legendary treasure lies hidden within the Dragon Nest.
    Take off on a journey alongside memorable Heroes and conquer the giant dragon who stands guard!
    [Game Characteristics]
    Colorful action and familiar graphics
    A hack and slash 3D Action-RPG with easy controls and intense animations.
    Beautiful and adorable graphics that are unique to Dragon Nest.
    [Unique Labyrinths]
    A relay party-play battle system that enables you to strategically mix and match different classes.
    Personalize your character with costumes and equipment that change your appearance in a special way.
    A special Monster Illustration Book system that continually enhances your character’s passive skills.
    [Vast Content]
    Over 40 types of brilliant skills and actions and over 500 types of battle items
    A diverse battle system with stages, dragon altars, battle arenas, raids, and giant nest bosses over a multitude of
    [Strategic Growth System]
    Endless enhancement of various skills, based on character growth, is accompanied by changes in effect and animation.
    A growth system that evolves through runes and jewel enhancements.
    Proven Action-RPG Dragon Nest: Labyrinth.
    Take off on a perilous adventure alongside memorable Heroes!

    Cover art

    For Screen shot :

    Dragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshot thumbnail Dragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshotDragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshotDragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshotDragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshot

    Dragon Nest Labyrinth - screenshot

    Cukup bagus bukan ?  ,  jika anda tertarik anda dapat mendownload nya di link berikut

    Click here

    Click here 

    Jika "tidak tersedia di negara anda" , dapat menggunakan tips/trick dari google :v

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